
Qualifications: Bump Fitness Pre & Postnatal Pole Fitness; Rocktape 1: Kinesiology Taping Course; IPDFA Beginner Pole Instructor; Ecole de Pole Intermediate and Advanced Pole Instructor; Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science


👑 Queens Comp Semi Pro Runner Up 2021

Hi I’m Emily and I started pole dancing in 2014 and I’ve been hooked ever since. Before starting I never could of imagined being as strong, both physically and mentally, as I am now and am still constantly amazed at some of the things my body can now do. I did gymnastics for about 6 years throughout childhood so it’s not surprising I’m obsessed with all things acro and bendy, and more specifically Handstands.. ALL THE HANDSTANDS.

Thanks to pole, I have developed a passion for building strength and stability (for both myself and others) to create the best, bullet proof, injury free, pole dancers possible. This has led me to (almost) completing a Bachelor in Sport and Exercise Science (Clinical Exercise Physiology) with the goal of doing a Masters in Physiotherapy so I can help all Pole Dancers to be their best (injury free) selves.

I have also been known to be a little loud and always ready to be every ones best hype girl, even if we've just met, or sometimes even before that. So I already can't wait to meet you, cheer for you, and be apart of YOUR pole journey.